Floimair Florian
2017-07-12 11:49:51 UTC
I just tried setting up Asterisk realtime database following the wiki article https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Setting+up+PJSIP+Realtime on a Debian 9 machine (which switched from MyQSL to MariaDB).
One has to install mariadb-plugin-connect, python-mysqldb and alembic packages (alembic does not work when installed via pip).
Additionally - since MariaDB by default does not have a root user password set and running mysql -u root requires sudo as well - you need to execute the following:
sudo mysql_secure_installation
sudo mysql_upgrade -p --force
So far so good. I run into problems when running alembic when I get to the following change:
mariadb fails this operation with error "Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes" when it tries to increase some fields to varchar(255).
Any idea how to solve this? Do I maybe have to switch to a different encoding for this to work?
Thanks in advance
With best regards
Florian Floimair
A-5020 Salzburg, Saalachstraße 51
Security and Communication by Commend
FN 178618z | LG Salzburg
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: asterisk-users-***@lists.digium.com [mailto:asterisk-users-***@lists.digium.com] Im Auftrag von Thomas
Gesendet: Montag, 10. Juli 2017 14:07
An: asterisk-***@lists.digium.com
Betreff: [asterisk-users] ConfBridge increase talking volume as standard
is it possible to increase talking volume for caller in ConfBridge as standard without need to press buttons after joining an conference room.
best regards
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I just tried setting up Asterisk realtime database following the wiki article https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Setting+up+PJSIP+Realtime on a Debian 9 machine (which switched from MyQSL to MariaDB).
One has to install mariadb-plugin-connect, python-mysqldb and alembic packages (alembic does not work when installed via pip).
Additionally - since MariaDB by default does not have a root user password set and running mysql -u root requires sudo as well - you need to execute the following:
sudo mysql_secure_installation
sudo mysql_upgrade -p --force
So far so good. I run into problems when running alembic when I get to the following change:
mariadb fails this operation with error "Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes" when it tries to increase some fields to varchar(255).
Any idea how to solve this? Do I maybe have to switch to a different encoding for this to work?
Thanks in advance
With best regards
Florian Floimair
A-5020 Salzburg, Saalachstraße 51
Security and Communication by Commend
FN 178618z | LG Salzburg
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: asterisk-users-***@lists.digium.com [mailto:asterisk-users-***@lists.digium.com] Im Auftrag von Thomas
Gesendet: Montag, 10. Juli 2017 14:07
An: asterisk-***@lists.digium.com
Betreff: [asterisk-users] ConfBridge increase talking volume as standard
is it possible to increase talking volume for caller in ConfBridge as standard without need to press buttons after joining an conference room.
best regards
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