[asterisk-users] Core dump still happening
Ryan, Travis
2017-07-07 14:10:41 UTC
Ok, so a few years ago, when 13 first came out, I was having a core dump (crash) issue with asterisk 13. I worked with Josh some and even used my Digium subscription for support. Never was able to get it fixed at that time so let it go. Well now I am trying on the same server, after a completely fresh install of Ubuntu, Asterisk, etc. Some of the config files are the same.

Issue years ago and until a fresh install recently, was when a phone registered with PJSIP, it would crash the server immediately.

Now, after a fresh install, everything seems fine but I came in this morning to a crashed server, and a core dump file. Can someone help me figure out why it's coredumping now?

I have the core dump and ran the ast_coredumper against it and have the saved files from the results. I am on Asterisk 13.16.0.


Joshua Colp
2017-07-07 14:13:30 UTC
Post by Ryan, Travis
Ok, so a few years ago, when 13 first came out, I was having a core dump
(crash) issue with asterisk 13. I worked with Josh some and even used my
Digium subscription for support. Never was able to get it fixed at that
time so let it go. Well now I am trying on the same server, after a
completely fresh install of Ubuntu, Asterisk, etc. Some of the config
files are the same.
Issue years ago and until a fresh install recently, was when a phone
registered with PJSIP, it would crash the server immediately.
Now, after a fresh install, everything seems fine but I came in this
morning to a crashed server, and a core dump file. Can someone help me
figure out why it's coredumping now?
I have the core dump and ran the ast_coredumper against it and have the
saved files from the results. I am on Asterisk 13.16.0.
I'd suggest filing an issue[1] and providing that information. The
backtrace will show why or narrow it down.

[1] https://issues.asterisk.org/jira
Joshua Colp
Digium, Inc. | Senior Software Developer
445 Jan Davis Drive NW - Huntsville, AL 35806 - US
Check us out at: www.digium.com & www.asterisk.org
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